Zero Tolernace Policy
The goal of Stanton Parks and Recreation Department (SPRD) is to provide a fun, safe, positive and supportive atmosphere for the players, staff and spectators of SPRD athletic events. Due to the increase of unsportsmanlike conduct and actions at our youth sporting events, the Department has taken a proactive, no tolerance stance towards any unsportsmanlike act or conduct. Any participant, coach, spectator or official may be disqualified from future participation in the City’s athletic programs for any unsportsmanlike conduct and actions. This includes but is not limited to: booing, shouting at officials, or arguing any calls. Expressing ANY negative behavior or comments, threats or obscene gestures to players, coaches, officials or other spectators is also unacceptable. Cheering in a positive fashion, for both sides is highly encouraged. We are a recreational league with fundamentals and FUN as the 2 primary emphases. All coaches are volunteers and we should all appreciate their time and efforts. Our officials will be treated with respect. Officiating youth sports is a low paying, selfless profession. All spectators should support the coaches and officials so they set a good example for their children. Any spectator who does not behave appropriately, as stated in the Zero Tolerance Policy, will be asked to leave the sporting event according to the following steps:
Officials / Park and Recreation Staff will identify violator(s).
Officials / Park and Recreation Staff will then approach the spectator(s) and may give a warning, or ask the person to leave. police will be called and the game may be forfeited.
If the decision is made for the spectator(s) to leave IMMEDIATELY, play will not resume until they have left the facility. If they refuse to leave, the
The following will be the consequences for violating the Zero Tolerance Policy: If a coach or spectator violates the policy and is asked to leave a facility without further incidence then:
1st Offense - The coach or spectator will be suspended for the remainder of that game and the next scheduled game or a make-up game. The suspended coach and spectator must come to SPRD and sign the Zero Tolerance Policy that will describe the second offense and punishment. The spectator cannot return until Policy is signed.
2nd Offense - The coach or spectator will be suspended for the remainder of that game and the rest of that season, post-season included. If the offense should happen with less than four games remaining in the season then the suspension will carry over to the next sport that their child registers for. The coach and spectator cannot return UNTIL they come to SPRD and sign the Zero Tolerance Policy again that will describe the third offense and punishment. Once the policy is signed the child is free to play. The spectator cannot return until Policy is signed and the suspension has been fulfilled.
3rd Offense - The coach or spectator will be suspended for the remainder of that game and will be suspended for 1 year from the date of the incidence. The suspended coach or spectator comes to SPRD and sign the Zero Tolerance Policy again that will designate the time in which the spectator is allowed to come back. Once the policy is signed the child is free to play. The coach and spectator cannot return until Policy is signed and the suspension has been fulfilled.
The following will be the consequences for violating the Zero Tolerance Policy: If a coach or spectator engages in a physical altercation with an official, staff, coach or spectator the consequences will be as followed:
1st Offense - The coach or spectator will be suspended from all Stanton Parks and Recreation Facilities for 1 year. This will include all programs and non-program events on Stanton Parks and Recreation facilities. The suspended coach or spectator must come in and sign the Zero Tolerance Policy that will describe the second offense and punishment. The coach and spectator cannot return until Policy is signed.
2nd Offense - The coach or spectator will be suspended from all Stanton Parks and Recreation Facilities for unlimited duration. This will include all programs and non-program events on Stanton Parks and Recreation facilities. The suspended coach or spectator must come in and sign the Zero Tolerance Policy that will describe the second offense and punishment. All violations must be reported to the Park and Recreation Department. All reports will be investigated and subject to disciplinary action In accordance with the “Zero Tolerance Policy”. All suspensions are subject to review by the Stanton Parks and Recreation Commission. The Recreation Commission reserves the right to alter any suspension.