Planning & Zoning Updates
2023-24 is a big year for the City of Stanton. We will be beginning major updates of our Comprehensive Plan, our Future Land Use Map, our Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map, and our Subdivision Regulations. These updates are crucial for the future development of the City. We have the opportunity to actively plan for the future of our community.
On August 17 the Planning Commission created an Update Committee to oversee the process of updating all of our Planning & Zoning documents and maps. The Update Committee will be made up of the Board of Adjustment and community stakeholders. Input is not just limited to people who live within the city limits of Stanton. If you're part of this community in any way, you can have a voice in this process!
If you're interested in participating in the process as a member of the Update Committee or if you would like to be on the email list and keep up with progress contact Chris Chaney at chris.chaney@stantonky.gov or 663-6474.
City Council adopted the City of Stanton Comprehensive Plan 2024 on May 9, 2024.
Stanton City Council approved the 2024 Zoning Ordinance (2nd reading) on July 18th, 2024. You can review the document below.
If you have difficulty in viewing these materials, please contact the Planning & Zoning Office for accommodations at (606) 663-6474 or the Zoning Administrator at ann.snowden@stantonky.gov