Park Calendar
The Stanton City Park calendar tracks all league games, events, reservations, and other important dates for the park. You can always access the calendar here, or at parkcalendar.stantonky.gov.
The Stanton City Park offers many sports leagues throughout the year for both adults and kids. Youth Soccer, Baseball, and T-Ball are offered in the Spring, Flag Football is offered in the Fall, and Adult Basketball is offered in the Summer and Winter. If you're interested in more information, you can check out the league sites below.
Contact Us
We want to ensure that we are accessible to all members of the community. Feel free to message us on Facebook, email us at ParksAndRec@stantonky.gov, or send us a confidential suggestion.
Meetings & Budgets
The Parks & Rec Board has their regular meeting on the first Wednesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. at the Stanton City Park Concession Stand. All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise noted.
Maintenance Request
Do you know of something that is currently not working as expected at the Park? If so, please let us know by filling out a maintenance request.